Company Name: TUBING FOOD, SL
Registro Mercantil de Barcelona, en el Tomo 29178, folio 150, Hoja Nº B 151853, Inscripción 1ª
CIF: B61107009
Home page:
In accordance to the Spanish Law 15/1999 for Personal Data Protection (LOPD) and the Spanish Law LSSICE 34/2002 passed on the 11th of July 2002 concerning Information and e-Commerce companies, TUBING FOOD, SL, in strict adherence to points 5 and 6 of the LOPD, hereby declares and informs all customers that provide or will provide their personal data, that such data will be introduced into an automatic file that in turn is registered in the Spanish Data Protection Agency.
To this end, the customers expressly and freely accept that their personal data will be used by TUBING FOOD, SL, for the following purposes:
Advertisement campaigns via e-mail, fax, SMS, MMS, social networks or any kind of media be it electronically or physical, present or future that provides commercial type communications. These commercial communications will be related to products or services offered by TUBING FOOD, SL, as well as on behalf of those partners that might have signed commercial agreements between their clients. In this case, any third party will never have access to the personal data. All commercial campaigns will be carried out by TUBING FOOD , SL, and will be related to those products and services in TUBING FOOD , SL’s sector.
Carry out statistical studies.
Processing orders, applications or any type of solicitudes realized by the customer through any form of contact available to the customer by TUBING FOOD, SL.
TUBING FOOD, SL, informs and expressly guarantees the customers that their personal data will not be released under any circumstances to third party companies, and in the event, that such data would need to be transferred, the customer will always be consulted before hand for their consent.
By filling in and sending the corresponding forms of this website, the User accepts that their personal data will be treated automatically by TUBING FOOD, SL.
In the event that the User submits forms that contain third party information, prior notice and permission must be obtained from such parties, explaining the full content and extent of the afore mentioned paragraphs. In the event that an international transfer of data occurs, the User must expressly tick the corresponding box.
All data requested through TUBING FOOD, SL, is compulsory, and vital to be able to provide an optimum service to the customer. TUBING FOOD , SL, cannot guarantee that information and services provided will be adequate if the customer does not provide all necessary requested data.
TUBING FOOD, SL, guarantees in any event that the customer will be able to exercise their rights to access, rectification, cancelation, information and opposition as covered by current legislation. To this end and in accordance to Data Protection Law (LOPD) 15/1999, the customer can exercise their rights in writing, together with a copy of their ID via the following media formats:
3. Customers can also cancel any subscription services contracted by sending an e-mail to:
In the same way, TUBING FOOD, SL., has adopted all technical and organizational steps necessary to guarantee the security and integrity of the personal data used, as well as avoiding loss, alternation and/or access by non-authorised third parties.
TUBING FOOD, SL, employs information security techniques generally accepted by the industry, such as firewalls, access control procedures and encryption mechanisms, all in order to avoid unauthorized access to the data. In order to accomplish this, the user accepts that the security provider has access to data in order to verify correct access.
This web is property of TUBING FOOD, SL. All intellectual property rights and rights of exploitation and reproduction of this web, the pages contained, screens, information contained, appearance and design, together with hyperlinks to other web pages belonging to subsidiary companies and/or owned by TUBING FOOD, SL, are deemed exclusive property unless expressly stated otherwise. Any name, design and / or logo, as well as any product or service offered and reflected in this website, are trademarks duly registered by TUBING FOOD SL, by its subsidiaries and / or dominated companies or by third parties. Any improper use of them by persons other than their legitimate owner and without express and unequivocal consent by the latter may be denounced and prosecuted through all legal means existing in the Spanish and / or EU Community Law.
The intellectual property rights and trademarks of third parties are conveniently posted and must be respected by anyone accessing this page, and TUBING FOOD, SL., is not responsible for the use that the user may carry out in this regard and will be held exclusively responsible for such use.
Download of contents, copying or printing of any page on this website will only be allowed for personal and private use. It is expressly forbidden to reproduce, transmit, modify or suppress the information, content or warnings of this website without the prior written authorization of TUBING FOOD, SL.
The contents as supplied by TUBING FOOD, SL are subject to intellectual and industrial property rights and are the exclusive property of TUBING FOOD, SL or of the natural or legal persons that are being informed. By purchasing a product or service, TUBING FOOD, SL does not grant the purchaser any right to alter, exploit, reproduce, distribute or publicly communicate the same, and TUBING FOOD, SL, SL reserves all these rights. The assignment of these rights will require prior written consent of the owner of the same, so that the client cannot make said contents available to third parties.
In addition to the content included in TUBING FOOD, SL, the intellectual property extends, to its graphics, logos, designs, images and source codes used for its programming.
TUBING FOOD, SL has obtained the Information and materials included in the web from sources considered as reliable and, although reasonable measures have been taken to ensure that the information contained is correct, TUBING FOOD, SL cannot always guarantee that such information is accurate, complete, up-to-date and consequently, should not be relied upon as if it were. TUBING FOOD, SL expressly declines any responsibility for error or omission in the information contained on this website
TUBING FOOD, SL reserves the right to modify, suspend, cancel or restrict the content of the website, any links or information obtained through it without prior notice. TUBING FOOD, SL, in any event, does not assume any responsibility as a result of the incorrect use of the web that can be carried out by the user for both the information and the services contained therein
In no case shall TUBING FOOD, SL, its branches and/or work centres, its directors and/or attorneys, employees and in general authorized personnel be liable for any kind of damages, losses, claims or expenses of any kind, whether resulting directly or indirectly from the use and / or dissemination of the website or the information acquired or accessed by or through it, or its computer viruses, operational failures or interruptions in service or transmission or line failures while using the web, both by direct connection and by hyperlink or other means, constituting for all legal effects, a warning to any user that these possibilities and events can occur.
TUBING FOOD, SL is not responsible for other websites that are not of their property that can be accessed through hyperlinks or links or any content made available to third parties. Any use of a link or access to a web site other than its own, will be carried out voluntarily and at the sole risk and interest of the user. TUBING FOOD, SL does not recommend or guarantee any of the Information obtained through or through a link, nor is it liable for any loss, claim or damage arising from the use or misuse of a link, or the information obtained through it, including other links or websites, any interruption in the service or access, or the attempt to use or misuse a link, both when connecting to the TUBING FOOD, SL website and accessing the Information from other websites from TUBING FOOD, SL’s website.
In case of dispute or conflict of interpretation of the terms that conform this Privacy Policy, as well as any question related to the services of this website, Spanish Law will be applied.