12 – Responsible consumption and production
Regarding the SDG number 12, Tubing Food focuses on 2 specific points:
“12.4. By 2020, achieve the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle, in accordance with agreed international frameworks, and significantly reduce their release to air, water and soil in order to minimise their adverse impacts on human health and the environment.”
In this field, we are working on the following:
- Tubing Food carries out an effective and efficient management of the chemical products it uses for its productive activities, following the “Regulations for the Storage of Chemical Products (APQ’s)
- Tubing Food carries out planned drills of “Spills of Chemical Products” periodically and supervised by the External Prevention Service.
- Monitoring and measurement of consumption indicators of Chemical Products.
- Monitoring and measurement of consumption indicators for raw materials, auxiliary products and manufactured and assembled products.
“12.5 By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse.”
Executing the following actions:
- Monitoring and measurement of waste management indicators (hazardous and non-hazardous)
- Measurement of the equivalent tons of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere by the activities carried out in the organization. Action plan for the progressive reduction until the year 2030 of these emissions, beginning in 2023 with the reduction of CO2 emissions caused by waste generation.
- Environmental Objectives Program; “Objective No. 1 of the program: progressive reduction of the % of non-recoverable waste.
- It is being promoted since 2022 the reuse and recycling of some products for its inclusion in the raw materials used in production and in an auxiliary products.
- In the new revision of the document “Requirements for Suppliers” an environmental clause has been included, in which the supplier will be valued for its ability to supply us with recycled products and/or that we can make some products in our production process.